Category Archives: Meta

Seven years of librarianating

So I looked up the other day and realized that I’ve been a professional librarian for seven years now.  Wow. How did that happen? I got my degree in May of 2004; spent two years working at a Fellow at the NCSU Libraries; moved to South Bend and worked for a year as a CWIL […]

Friday Early-Reader Blogging

It’s Friday, and more than that: it’s the last day of the semester! This particular semester has been a bit of a slog, and I’m not sure why. It’s possibly because I’m becoming more involved in more initiatives, both here on campus and in the wider librarianship community, that pull me in disparate directions. These […]

New guest post at ACRLog

This is just a quick post to note that I have a guest post up this week at ACRLog, entitled “Context Matters.”  Mostly I’m musing on issues of local campus and classroom contexts, and how they affect what works (and doesn’t work) in a library instruction classroom, building on my not-very-successful experiment with no-demonstration classes. […]

Changing domain registrars, possible interruptions

Just a quick note to let you know that I’ll be transferring this domain, and the other domains that I own or manage, from to a different registrar in the next few days.  I don’t know what this will mean for DNS stuff, so the blog may disappear for a day or so and […]

Spam conundrum

Why is it that this blog, which has been online for, what, less than a month? has already had its first piece of spam caught by Akismet, while my other blog,* which has been up for three years and was on WordPress 1.5 until just two months ago, hasn’t gotten any? *Sorry, no link – […]