- Majetic, Cassie and Catherine Pellegrino. “Building Information Literacy Skills Using Science News Media: Evidence for a Hands-On Approach.” Journal of College Science Teaching 48/1 (Sept/Oct 2018): 83-91.
- Gaha, Ula, Suzanne Hinnefeld, and Catherine Pellegrino. “The Academic Library’s Contribution to Student Success: Library Instruction and GPA.” College & Research Libraries 79/6 (September 2018): 737-746.
- Majetic, Cassie and Catherine Pellegrino. “When Science and Information Literacy Meet: An Approach to Exploring the Sources of Science News with Non-Science Majors.” College Teaching 62/3 (2014): 107-112. [Full text available as of July 16, 2015 after publisher’s embargo.]
- Pellegrino, Catherine. “Library Research Help-Seeking Behaviors in Online Learning: A Preliminary Methodology and Cautionary Tale,” portal: Libraries and the Academy 14/2 (April 2014): 187-196.
- ———. “Does telling them to ask for help work? Investigating library help-seeking behaviors in college undergraduates.” Reference and User Services Quarterly 51/3 (2012): 272-277.
- ———. “But what did they learn? What classroom assessment can tell you about student learning.” In Steve Hiller, Kristina Justh, Martha Kyrillidou, and Jim Self. Proceedings of the 2010 Library Assessment Conference: building effective, sustainable, practical assessment. Washington, D.C.: Association of Research Libraries, 2011.
- ———. Review of Explaining Tonality: Schenkerian Theory and Beyond, by Matthew Brown. Notes(Journal of the Music Library Association) 63/1 (September 2006): 90-93.
- This publication first appeared in Notes vol. 63, #1, 2006, pp. 90-93, copyright and all rights therein are retained by the Music Library Association. This material may not be copied or reposted without explicit permission. Copyright 2006 Music Library Association.
- ———. Review of Mavericks and Other Traditions in American Music, by Michael Broyles. Notes61/3 (March 2005): 754-757.
- This publication first appeared in Notes vol. 61, #3, 2005, pp. 754-757, copyright and all rights therein are retained by the Music Library Association. This material may not be copied or reposted without explicit permission. Copyright 2005 Music Library Association.
- ———. “Aspects of closure in the music of John Adams.” Perspectives of New Music40/1 (Winter 2002): 147-175.
- Copyright 2002, Perspectives of New Music. Used by permission. This article first appeared in Perspectives of New Music vol. 40 number 1.
Pellegrino, Catherine. Review of Explaining Tonality: Schenkerian Theory and Beyond, by Matthew Brown. Notes (Journal of the Music Library Association) 63/1 (September 2006): 90-93.
———. Review of Mavericks and Other Traditions in American Music, by Michael Broyles. Notes 61/3 (March 2005): 754-757.
———. “Aspects of closure in the music of John Adams.” Perspectives of New Music 40/1 (Winter 2003): 147-175.
- “But what did they learn? What classroom assessment can tell you about student learning.” Brick & Click: An Academic Library Symposium, November 5, 2010, Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville, MO
- “But what did they learn? What classroom assessment can tell you about student learning.” ARL Library Assessment Conference, October 25-27, 2010, Baltimore